As a Choreographer




2016 スタジオフラヌール
振付 : 木村玲奈 
出演 : 西岡樹里
協力 : 田添幹雄 / スタジオフラヌール / DANCE BOX

「運ぶ人」で樹里さんが走っている間に流れる La vie en rose

“Carrier” (2016)

The tenth work that I choreographed.
Dancer Juri Nishioka, she was born with a garden called the body. The garden has the world, and she is always moving with the world. Then, I tried choreography that her own world overflowed in a different way than ever, by being truly moving and carrying.

2016 studio flaneur/ Kobe Shinnagata 
Choreographed by Reina Kimura
Danceed by Juri Nishioka
Special Thanks Mikio Tazoe / studio flaneur / DANCE BOX
Duration: 30 min